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SUBSCRIBE NOW to see what difference this service can make to you. is a service of Peony Online, Inc., the world’s first online metal information provider. It offers a full spectrum of information on primary and scrap metals, including
1) Peony’s C/B/E (Consumer Broker Exporter’s Prices), which is the most authoritative and widely used scrap metal pricing report in North America. Its interactive nature has enabled thousands of transactions to take place since its inception in 1993.
2)Peony Instant Quote (IQ), a 24/7 service that allows users to post metals and non-metal materials as often and as many as possible. It also features customized platforms to promote users’ companies and products.
3) live LME/Comex exchange data, Shanghai metals and India metals closing prices, charts and news, a service known for its comprehensive information, accurate data transmission and user-friendly display. It is the least expensive service of its kind in the marketplace.
Please sign up NOW for your no-commitment free demo.
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